I've been spending a lot of my time lately working on an installation for Nuit Blanche that I am doing with Bene Corpo. The space is going to be a meeting place for members of a post-industrial, post-climate change (generally post-apocalyptic) society and we are building an encampment and having actors populate the space.
This article really sums up why I want to do this project. I can't quite advocate assassination of CEOs, but making public art as an act of political resistance seems an appropriate response to the horrors of predatory capitalism. Derrick Jensen muses on whether or not our culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to sustainable living:
"For the last several years I've taken to asking people this question, at talks and rallies, in libraries, on buses, in airplanes, at the grocery store, the hardware store. Everywhere. The answers range from emphatic 'No's' to laughter. No one answers in the affirmative. One fellow at one talk did raise his hand and when everyone looked at him, he dropped his hand, then said, sheepishly, 'Oh, voluntary? No, of course not.'
Admit it, you probably don't have faith that our governments are going to make radical changes to reverse climate change. I don't. Because they haven't.
So, for now I am venting my rage into furiously making a strange environment that hopefully will make those who enter reevaluate the way they interact with the world.
So, come find our installation on October 2nd, or read things and get angry.
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